
Frequently Asked Questions

What specifically is membership in this organization going to require?  As of now the only requirements are that you be uniformed and equipped as a soldier of the Civil War, as well as a willingness to fire salutes in honor of His Majesty the Omukama.

Is it your intention to have a demonstration at events? Yes, limited. What kind of demonstration? As stated, limited demonstrations will be held. These will consist of the UAG falling in, presenting arms and firing salutes to His Majesty the Omukama.

How do you intend to educate and reach out to the public? His Majesty’s Representative will be walking around, interacting with the public and reenactors as well as answering any questions that the public/reenactors might have.

Would you have a booth set up with learning material? Not at the moment. In the future we hope to have a designated tent as Headquarters for the UAG. Would members be expected to volunteer to staff this booth to help answer questions?  Once up and operational, members of the UAG may be asked to help out.

Will there be expectations for participation outside of reenacting events? Only if His Majesty were to visit the United States would there be an attempt to organize something outside of reenactments.

Are there religious requirements? None. Am I expected to be part of a certain religion? No. One of His Majesty’s titles if “Protector of Religion”. His Majesty takes this very seriously and offers his protection to all religions.

What sort of investment will a member be expected to make or what would I need to buy to be a part of this organization? As long as a reenactor is equipped and uniforms no further expense is foreseen for members. The only “cost” members would entail is the blank cartridges they would expend in firing Salutes to His Majesty.

Will there be a membership fee and if so, what does it pay for? There are no fees for membership. That may change in the future as the UAG grows and entails operating costs. This would be the only reason for a fee, and operating costs would be all this fee is used for.

How will the UAG be structured? The UAG will be under the Commander of the Royal Honour Guard – Abroad, United States of America. He will appoint officers as needed to make the UAG run smoothly. Will there be an organizational rank structure? If an entire unit joins the UAG, the rank structure of that unit will be maintained. An individual who joins will be assigned to serve with a particular unit or officer for a demonstration/Salute.

What is the benefit to joining the UAG? Upon joining the UAG a reenactor steps outside the bounds of living history and applies what he loves to the real world. He becomes a Guardsman to a sitting King, His Majesty the Omukama Solomon I Iguru. What the UAG does in honor of His Majesty will be viewed around the world in both palaces and humble homes.

Is it possible to obtain Knighthood without the requirements? Yes, if you are a person of good character and morals, it is possible to obtain Knighthood without meeting all the requirements. This is a great honor for very little commitment in return, however, those who demonstrate a higher level of commitment to the UAG and the Kingdom of Bunyoro – Kitara, may find themselves advancing much more rapidly.