
Becoming a Knight

What does it take to become a Knight?

The highest honor available to members of the Union Auxiliary Guard is that of a Knighthood in the Order of Jerusalem - Militia of the Holy Ghost. There is nothing honorary about this, it is a real, internationally recognized knighthood. This honor is only for those who demonstrate the highest level of commitment and devotion to the UAG. While final discretion to granting this honor resides with the commander of the UAG, the minimum requirements* to be eligible for Knighthood are as follows:

  • 10 years of active membership in the UAG. Voluntarily & eagerly participate in UAG events
  • Be of good moral character
  • Have not been involved in activities that would reflect poorly on the UAG or the OJ-MHG (criminal activities, fighting, or behaving in a way that is belligerent or demeaning to others, etc.)
  • Obtain 3 letters of recommendation from current knights within the UAG that will attest to your character, good standing, and dedication to the UAG.**


*These requirements do not guarantee a knighthood, but serve as a minimum standard to be eligible. Remember that Knighthoods will be granted to those who demonstrate the highest level of commitment and dedication.

**At the discretion of the commander of the UAG, some truly exceptional members may be granted a knighthood without meeting all the requirements.



The Order of Jerusalem - Militia of the Holy Ghost

The Order of Jerusalem – Militia of the Holy Ghost (OJ-MHG) is a recognized, international Order of Chivalry. The Order currently has as its Royal Patron His Majesty The Omukama Solomon I Iguru with its Ecclesiastical Patron being the Orthodox American Church, an Autonomous Mission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR). The Order also has as members the entire Royal Family of Bunyoro as well as two other Kings, nobility of various countries and just average folk who have earned Knighthood. We have members on 6 continents. Though a Christian Order, we have no objections to those who are worthy and of a different faith.

One of the founding goals of the OJ-MHG was to recognize those who are worthy of Knighthood but who seem to always be passed over for honors. We strive to recognize the unheralded heroes of everyday life who are just as worthy as the aristocrat or those who exhibit extraordinary bravery on the battlefield. With this in mind, the OJ-MHG is opening its ranks to those willing to serve faithfully a worthy King. Joining the Union Auxiliary Guard and giving ten years of good service can lead you to Knighthood.

So if you want your reenacting to be more than just hobby and for your efforts to truly have meaning in this world, then Union Auxiliary Guard and the Order of Jerusalem – Militia of the Holy Ghost await you.