
Leadership and Staff

Troy Thomson

His Serene Highness Prince Troy Thomson of Jerusalem (Regnal Name: Prince Alphonse)

UAG Commander

Born on December 8, 1966, His Serene Highness is a native of Kentucky and works in healthcare. He serves the Kingdom of Bunyoro – Kitara as Vice-President, North America, Association of Representatives of the Bunyoro – Kitara Kingdom, Sovereign Regent of the Royal Order of the Cross of the Uganda Martyrs, Vice-Governor Grand Priory of the Most Honourable Order of Omukama Chwa II Kabalega, Sovereign Regent Order of Jerusalem – Militia of the Holy Ghost, Junior Counselor of the Royal Privy Council, Commander, Royal Honour Guard Abroad – USA in addition to other duties and uses opportunities that arise to promote the Kingdom of Bunyoro – Kitara. He also serves as President of the Grand Delegation of the United States, Croce Reale. Through Croece Reale, USA, he represents multiple Royal Families from around the world.


With permission of His Majesty The Omukama, Troy founded the Royal Honour Guard Abroad - Union Auxiliary Guard (UAG). He founded the UAG for the express purpose of allowing Civil War reenactors to use their skills in a meaningful and real way. Already uniformed and equipped, by serving in the UAG, reenactors are given the opportunity to serve as Royal Guards to an actual King, as well as achieve Knighthood in recognition for their service. This opportunity has never existed before but the dedication and skill that reenactors have now has an outlet in the present-day world in service to a grateful King.


Devin Wielar

Knight in the Order of Jerusalem - Militia of the Holy Ghost

UAG Chief of Staff

Born in September of 1986, Devin has lived all over the US. He grew in Missouri, then went to North Dakota for work, followed by Colorado. He has also been known to lay his head in Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, and even far away places like France and Ireland on a frequent enough basis. Devin Currently works for a marketing software firm, and divides his free time between his family and several organizations that he supports (Such as the UAG).

Devin would describe himself as, "A history nerd with a passion for the world." Devin has spent much of his adult life in the services of others in one way or another. He has been reenacting for over 20 years. He was a soldier in the US Army where he deployed on a peace-keeping and humanitarian mission to Kosovo. He volunteered  his time to help victims of the Joplin, Mo tornado in 2011, often personally pulling people out of the rubble of their own homes and providing first aid and comfort.  Most recently he has become active in helping the Union Auxiliary Guard and the Order of Jerusalem - Militia of the Holy Ghost to bring honor to the Kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara and the Omukama Solomon I Iguru. He also actively seeks way in which he can be active in helping his community, be it local, state, national, and global.